Bench along the path
Bench along the path
Perhaps you’d better sit and rest a while before continuing on.

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Monte Stevens
14 years ago

Sounds like a good idea, Earl. A few years ago I gave myself an assignment to photograph and post an image a day of a bench. I enjoyed it and was surprised how many there are around. Today is going to be a day for finding one at a local park and sit. Hope you guys have a great Sunday!

Alan M. Collopy
14 years ago


Great capture of this bench. I too enjoy photographing benches. Whether they be wooden, or a combination of steel and wood, there is something very inviting about them. Who will stop and rest, who enjoys the simple design of the bench?
This bench you captured has character. Solitude and a break from a long walk.

Thank you,

Markus Spring
14 years ago

Definitely inviting, and that impression in my eyes is supported by the stretching the wide angle does.

14 years ago

Sit and ponder, what is yonder round the bend.

Jim | SpinView
14 years ago

You’ve inspired me to break out a couple of bench shots I took a couple of years ago in Santa Fe on the plaza, Earl.

14 years ago

Very inviting!