Flowers along the path
With photography I feel I’m traveling along a path, or sometimes even slightly off the path. Looking around I see I’m certainly not alone on journey. There are many other photographers as well, some ahead, some behind and others nearby.

I see “flowers” along the path, attracting the attention of photographers. Some attract a large crowd mulling about because it’s being professed this “flower” is the most special, beautiful and important of all. But I also notice other “flowers” which are only appreciated by a few or in some cases by an individual.

There’s an ebb and flow along the path as some stop for a while, in some cases a long while, before moving to the next interesting or “happening flower” on the path.

For myself, I prefer to appreciate each flower with respect for what it is…but to keep moving at my own pace.

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Monte Stevens
14 years ago

And, very well said, my friend. It seems the longer we walk along the path the more we see, the more detail we see and the longer we stop to enjoy.

14 years ago

Path is sunny and lovely but this purple flower is lovely too ;)