Grey Heron on Dam
Grey Heron – Cooleemee River Park, NC
There’s a Grey Heron which feeds in the mornings at Bull Hole, Coolemee River Park, NC. It seems to stay in this vicinity year round and on this visit I initially spotted it below the dam. It and a small flock of Geese were working the pools of water there. After a few minutes it flew to the top of the dam landing in the midst of swift water flowing over the dam — obviously it has a powerful gripping ability.

Grey Heron on Dam #2
Grey Heron – Cooleemee River Park, NC
This heron has always been difficult getting close enough to for a good photo — same case this time.

These photos were both taken at 300mm using a Tamron 28-300mm lens. The Nikon D300 has a 1.5x crop factor so effectively the focal length was 450mm. As I’ve mentioned previously, this lens goes a little soft at its maximum length and while these photo look okay for the web, I won’t be printing them.

But, you must take what your given and be grateful. Maybe someone out of the blue will give me a Nikon 600mm lens….sorry, day-dreaming again. ;-)

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14 years ago

right back to you and what a lovely capture here :)) Love blue heron .. they are so rare here :)

Markus Spring
14 years ago

Earl, somewhat that panoramic format of the post teaser works really well for me, even better than the aspect ratio of the image in the full post – I guess that stretched band creates additional tension which gets balanced by the heron itself.

14 years ago

fabulous capture!

Monte Stevens
14 years ago

I just love how they stand majestically posed whether they are fishing or preening. Back in Colorado I have a pond right outside my front door. We would get regular visits from some of these grand birds. Not sure you have had the time to just watch them fish and then swallow their catch. That is awesome to experience.

If I still have that Nikon 80-400mm VR lens I dropped in the SMoky Mountains and bent in two, I’d let you have it for nothing. Yes, I’m that kind of guy. :-)

14 years ago

A fine capture of the heron and the mood of the place. It’s good to have a place that produces calm and reflection when there.

14 years ago

How lovely this is. The Heron looks so regal perched on the falls.