Bench beyond bridge
Cross and then you may rest

I came upon a footbridge over a small stream and beyond a wooden bench nestled in abundant natural growth. I wanted to capture this scene while the morning sun was still low in the sky.

Completing a few shots, with various settings, I crossed to sit upon the bench, pausing a moment.

Furry Good-byes
Furry Good-byes
Watching, a cat approached from the far end of the bridge and upon spotting me quickly disappeared into the undergrowth on the far side of the stream. I thought, “The last I’ll see of you today.” However, a couple of minutes later it was making it’s way past the bench using the growth as protective cover — still intent upon it’s original course.

As a matter of politeness, when it drew near, I softly spoke “hello” and immediately it changed course again, jumping upon the bench beside me to gather praise and gentle rubs. A well cared for cat it was, with collar, and it had obviously never experienced an occasion to doubt the intentions of man.

As I departed, my new furry friend waited a few moments to confirm I was no longer to be a source of adoration, allowing me time to make this second image, and then proceeded upon it’s previous way.

I may be breaking some sort of rule mixing color and b&w images in the same post, but I believe it’s far better to stay true to the inner nature of the photos. These images ARE from the newly discovered park I mention in yesterdays post.

P.S. Have a great weekend!

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14 years ago

You do a beautiful writing too . Very poetic, very nice . Love these two pictures too. BEautiful colors and light on a bridge !

Monte Stevens
14 years ago

I like the invitation the footbridge offers, leading to the enjoyment of the bench. And, again glad you paused for a moment. I would also suspect the cat was glad you paused. I mean who wouldn’t want a bit of attention and a back rub. I feel parks like this provide us with an opportunity to touch nature. It seems our society has moved away from spending time with nature.

Oh, and go ahead and break the rules, it’s okay with me! :-)

14 years ago

That is an attractive foot bridge. A mixture of color and black and white never bothers me. Nice story about the cat.

14 years ago

Thank you for sharing! great capture

Chris Klug
14 years ago

The color work in the top image reminds me a little of the trees from the other day. Did you process them in a similar way?

14 years ago

Very nice story, Earl. I’m sure that the cat enjoyed your adoration. :-)