“Shadow-gulls,” a sub-species of the common Sea Gull which can only be photographed with the aid of longer exposure times. This particular pair were found flying over a beach in the general direction of the late evening sun, already low over the horizon. While simple to photograph in the day, Shadow-gulls are almost impossible to locate at night. ;-)

Below, a thought for today, and a wish for everyone to have an enjoyable weekend, whatever that may be for each of you.


Watch your thoughts, for they become words.

Watch your words, for they become actions.

Watch your actions, for they become habits.

Watch your habits, for they become character.

Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

– Buddhist teaching




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14 years ago

Very nice bird shot. I especially like how you got the two birds in different wing positions.

14 years ago

Love the shadow gulls, Earl. I really like the Buddhist teaching. It is so true. So very, very, true.

Steve Skinner
14 years ago

Definitely words to live by!

pj finn
14 years ago

Excellent shot, great words, fine post.

Markus Spring
14 years ago

A true zen-influenced image – speaking slowly and deeply from the inside. The buddhist words are a wonderful match for it.