Bloom Warp
Bloom Warp

I haven’t been taking the number of photos recently that I should be. Oh, I could come up with a number of reasons — for example, still processing the images from Florida and feeling a bit of a mental letdown after that rich photo-opportunity environment, but in the end it’s still an excuse.

This week I’ll for certain be out shooting and perhaps have a few fresher images a little later for this blog.

Meanwhile I’m going to be posting some flora abstracts this week. Some from near home and others made during the recent trip.

This photo was from blooms in our backyard a few weeks ago. A bit of post-processing discovered this flower may have been moving much faster than I imagined, leaving this Star-Trek Warp Drive effect, or perhaps it’s an interdimensional aura and I caught the bloom just as it was shifting back into this dimension — strange things happen in our backyard. ;-)

I’m taking part in the SoFoBoMo project In June/July, although I haven’t a clue what the subject or theme of my photo book will be. I’m sure something will come to me. This will be my second year.

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14 years ago

this is so beautiful and imaginative
(meet you at the sofobomo)

14 years ago
Reply to  yz

Yz, thanks, and I look forward to viewing your SoPoBoMo efforts this year.

Steve Skinner
14 years ago

Earl, an interesting and most cool image!

14 years ago
Reply to  Steve Skinner

Steve, it not often anything I do gets called cool anymore…thanks! ;-)

Monte Stevens
14 years ago

Warp drive is working fine, Earl. I really like the effect. Glad to hear you signed up for the SoFoBoMo Project (that’s a mouthful). May I ask what do you use to layout the book and output the PDF?

14 years ago
Reply to  Monte Stevens

Monte, glad you like this. For SoPoBoMo layout and PDF output I’ve got an older copy of Adobe InDesign I used last year.

14 years ago

I like the effects of the special treatment. Looks good!

14 years ago
Reply to  don

Hey, thanks don!

14 years ago

As far SoFoBoMo this will be my first attempt and it is going to be tricky with having my knee done but I think I have a good enough and easy subject to pull it off.

14 years ago
Reply to  Don

Don, I admire you for already having a subject much less trying to complete SoPoBoMo while working through knee surgery. I look forward to seeing your results! Best of luck with that knee.