Aquatic Life - Big Cypress, FL
Aquatic Life - Big Cypress, FL

This particular alligator appeared to be alone in enjoying the sun in a clearing among water lilies and other aquatic plants in the Big Cypress National Preserve. Can you imagine how hard this gator would be to see if it had only eyes and the tip of the snout barely above water?

What’s missing from this image is the sound of near constant bird calls and multiple loud grunts coming from larger sounding gators hidden in the surrounding cypress swamp. In my minds eye this is somewhat the way I’ve always pictured alligators in their natural habitat but my total experiences on this trip certainly widened my understanding and appreciation of the whole Florida wetlands area.

This photo was made from the end of the half-mile boardwalk at Kirby Storter Roadside Park just off Florida Hwy 41. The boardwalk was a wonderful short walk into an area of large cypress trees and interesting swamp, which on this particular morning I had all to myself.

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Monte Stevens
14 years ago

another good image from the trip. And, yes it would be difficult to spot one of these submerged gators. This image and post also reminds me of the need to know our wildlife to understand them and even find them. When I think about it most of my images of wildlife were taken when I unexpectedly came upon them.

14 years ago

A fine shot showing us how well the alligators blend in with the plants. You were lucky to have the placde to yourself. An interesting image about an area I’ve never visited.

14 years ago

Hmmm NOT entirely by yourself, with those grunts in the background. Great shots, thanks.

Chris Klug
14 years ago

Okay, so for me I think this is the best image from the trip. The colors, especially, and the sense of the ‘almost abstract’ is just wonderful. The gator is almost secondary in the image. Man, if he was almost pure black . . .