Much more than a bump on a log
Much more than a bump on a log - Alligator, FL

I’m fairly certain this wasn’t the first time this alligator had made use of this particular log to catch warming sun rays. It seemed entirely relaxed in this position but I certainly wouldn’t go so far as to call it a “bump on a log.” I always knew from gut feelings that they were extremely aware of us and their surroundings, as I also tried to be of mine.

The waters in this area were so calm and reflective it’s almost hard to tell where the alligator ends and the reflection begins.

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Drew Fulton
14 years ago

Very very cool Earl. I really like this one a lot. Enjoying the series!


14 years ago

A fine capture of this impressive guy. Love the reflection that is so crystal clear.

14 years ago

I really love the reflection a great image all around.

Monte Stevens
14 years ago

You’re right about the calm water and reflection. Good colors and crop, also. And, it’s probably due to the position of the alligator but it looks like the tummy is full. :-)

Markus Spring
14 years ago

Definitely impressive. The reflection in the water makes an image out of this scenery, and the unsharp leaves add depth and support a somewhat escherian mood of the background – that alligator seems to have no end but rather goes round.