The makings of a beach - Marco Island, FL
The makings of a beach - Marco Island, FL

One thing I noticed about the gulf coast beaches at Marco Island, FL, were they had a high concentration of broken/crushed sea shells among the sand. There were spots were it was all sea shells bits. Walking barefooted in these areas was not pleasant and felt like you feet were suffering a thousand tiny cuts.

This photo was made shooting over the side of one of our lounge chairs on the beach in front of our hotel — this is the stuff you had to walk on to get to the chairs.

The Atlantic coast beaches I’m more familiar with are mostly sand, less shell.

Of note, today is my son’s twenty-ninth birthday — happy birthday, Aaron! It doesn’t seem possible he’s almost thirty. He must be aging much quicker than I am? ;-)

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14 years ago

A fine shot from the chair. I can see that walking on this would be a distinct problem. Happy Birthday to you son too.

14 years ago
Reply to  don

don, in some areas, walking became a matter of watching the ground and carefully placing each foot. Thanks!

14 years ago

As much as I like shells for incorporating into photographs, I have to agree with you on the comfort factor of walking the beach!

14 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Mark, yeah, I was left jumping between smooth sandy spots on the beach — not a pretty or dignified sight I’m sure! :-)

Ray K
14 years ago

Earl I don’t think I’ve been barefoot since I was a little kid, and now I remember why.
Happy B’day to your son. I get a yr older on my sons B’day every year instead of on mine, especially the ones that happened after his 30th.