Fast moving water
Fast Water - Cooleemee, NC

We had a beautiful weekend, beautifully hot for April I should say, and it continues into this week getting up 89°F today. This past weekend was used for spreading mulch and preparing flower beds for a new season. Then there’s the yard that needs mowing about every five days now and starting this weekend the itching eyes and running nose of spring allergies — I did wish for spring a few weeks ago, didn’t I? ;-)

The photo today is of a cooler nature — swift running water over rocks. That trough near the bottom of the photo where water is crashing down is about 10-12 feet deep. I wouldn’t be surprise if you fell in you’d be pinned at the bottom of it for some time and probably spun like a washing machine.

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Monte Stevens
14 years ago

Fast and swift flowing water is so powerful, I have a lot of respect for such a force. Sorry about the allergies as my oldest 2 children have always struggled with them. I’m thankful my only allergy seems to with work, especially if someone else is working near me.

14 years ago
Reply to  Monte Stevens

Spring is the only time I have serious allergies so I count myself lucky. When I was a boy I helped my father make hay each spring and I suffered terribly, so again I count myself lucky these days.

14 years ago

An impressive water fall with its force and volume. Nice shot of it!

14 years ago
Reply to  don

Don, thanks!

14 years ago

Working for me, both the powerful black&white image as well as the idea of a powerful waterfall, where the fine mist annihilates all pollen, moistens the mucous membranes and cools the eyes. A wonderful place for anyone with pollen allergies.