After the Storm
After the Storm - Near Mt. Hood, Oregon

Often the ties which bind us most tightly as artist, photographers or even human beings are those of our own restricted and ridged concepts and opinions.

That was my thought as I read a recent post by Markus Spring and followed the included links to view and read an article on Luminous Landscape. I certainly appreciate, identify and agree with Markus:

“The universum of art for sure has place for many ways of expression, and I see my path more in the learning of the different methods of seeing and expressing and finding my own way.”

In my own case, photography has become more about looking within, then without, and about redefining my own boundaries.

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15 years ago

I know I have certainly accelerated my growth as a person since I have become involved in photography.

Monte Stevens
15 years ago

I, also like Markus’s statement. My photography has had boundaries and hopefully those boundaries are fading as I hone my craft. I also have come to realize my view of this world, of myself, of those around me has been tainted with life experiences and what I have been taught. Just within relationships I’ve been able to see the world with new eyes when I truly listen and try to understand them. As Leeming writes, “At first I ignored her words, but then… As I looked more closely I began to see shapes and forms I had always previously ignored.