Near Juneau, Alaska
Above Juneau International Airport, Alaska

Looking back through photo archives I’ve pulled a few to process for posting. It’s nice to discover my skills with post-processing have improved and some photos I previously passed over can now be worthy of posting.

This photo was taken from a helicopter near the Juneau International Airport looking southeast down Alaska Highway 7 (AK-7), Egan Dr. towards Juneau, AK. I was shooting in slow continuous mode and this was one of a series of photos that didn’t reveal too many reflections from the curved helicopter canopy. There were a few reflections, but I was able to reduce or repair them.

One thing I like about a photo of this type is it makes you feel small and insignificant. In my opinion it’s healthy to feel that way ever so often. It keeps you grounded, and photography gives us many opportunities to be grounded.

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Ray K
15 years ago

Side note Earl, I did the location survey and then worked as materials engineer for the State on the construction of that road. Somewhere I have old slides and great stories of that period of history. Miss that view a lot, thanks for the trip thru my memory.

Anita Jesse
15 years ago

Photos like this (those that remind me of how small and insignificant I am) appeal to me, as well. Any time I visit my old galleries, I notice this recurring theme. This is a compelling representation of the theme.

What an interesting side note from Ray!

15 years ago

I like the openness and vastness that can be felt in this image! Thank you for sharing

15 years ago

I remember the smallness feeling well from my trip to Alaska. It is quite hard not to feel that way when surrounded with such amazing landscapes. This image really does portray it quite well Earl.