Pathway Revealed
Path Revealed

It’s all about the weather again. Last night a low pressure center delivered snow to much of the Southern U.S. We were on the northern edge of the storm and received perhaps 2 inches of the fresh powdery stuff. Our last snow, a little over a week ago, was from being on the southern edge of a system passing to the north of us. Luckily we haven’t accumulated any large amounts the way so many north of us have.

I read yesterday there’s snow on the ground at locations in 49 of the 50 United States — only Hawaii doesn’t have snow. I guess that’s one for the record books.

I don’t know about elsewhere but temperatures here have been averaging about 10 degrees F below our normal average winter highs. This is turning out to be a “real” winter.

Hard to believe just a few years ago western North Carolina was in a severe drought, experiencing water rationing, and now each new precipitation event brings flood warnings. Things change, and you have to adapt and keep going.

This photo was snow remaining from the previous event. I haven’t ventured out into this one and I suspect with the sun out bright today much of this most recent snow will disappear today. What caught my eye was the spotty snow revealing the path. You can’t keep a good path down. ;-)

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15 years ago

So love the path in the snow…makes you want to go for a walk

15 years ago

We’ve got snow here in Michigan, but seems like lower amounts than usual. I am thinking the south stole it all away from us. :-)

15 years ago

This looks like a nice place to take a hike. Our snowfall here is on its way to making a brand new “low” in total accumulation. Now standing at 12 inches. We have 90 last year! Strange weather patterns….

Monte Stevens
15 years ago

I know all about the snow you guys had down here. We got caught up in it. Instead of arriving in New York at midnight on Friday, we arrived at 4:13 in the morning. There were a few tired and disgruntled passengers as well as crew members.

Good use of lines in your image and love the range of contrast. Stay warm in that family room.