Toyota has a recall and current sales suspension on eight recent models (2009-2010) of it’s most popular automobiles for a problem which might cause the accelerator pedal to stick partially or fully open. They’ve not announced a fix yet and say it’s rare and is more likely to happen as the accelerator mechanisms become worn. It can be a serious problem and a number of wrecks have been attributed to it.

I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of an auto manufacturer suspending sales before. This action says something for the company but it’s got to be a big impact for the dealers — “Oh, you like that Camry, sorry, I can’t sale it to you at the moment but if you’d like to put your name on a list…no wait, don’t walk across the street to the Honda dealer.

And who said I never win anything — my Toyota RAV4 falls within this recall and when they have a fix I’m expecting to receive an owners notice. If I don’t I’ll certainly be calling them. “I win a free fix for a potentially deadly auto defect.”

Not to make light of it, but, I wonder if I happen to get stopped for speeding I could tell the highway patrol my accelerator pedal must have stuck for a moment. ;-)

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Steve Skinner
15 years ago

Earl, you better try a better line. A friend of mine tried it and the judge just laughed before imposing the full fine.

15 years ago

Well, it sounded like a good idea to me! :-)

15 years ago

You could always say you were hurrying to the dealer with your defective vehicle for a “fix.”
No….that wouldn’t work either! :-)

Ray K
15 years ago

Never owned anything that was new enough to be recalled. However I have euthanized several vehicles over the years and it really felt good when I did it. :-)

Chris Klug
15 years ago

What do you think of the Rav4? Been thinking about a vehicle like that, and you’re the first person I’ve met who owns one.