Colorful Flowing Waters
Brightly colored flowing waters

Another scene from the Cooleemee River Park in North Carolina — I find these bright natural colors of the river enticing. In the foreground the flowing waters are less then 1 foot deep (30.5 cm) allowing the solid granite river beds rich reddish browns to be seen

Ice formation under boulders
Ice formation under river boulders
among the white rushing water. A deeper channel, perhaps 5-6 feet deep (1.8 m) runs farther back, just in front of the larger boulders. This provides the deep aqua green bluest color the light creates on the deeper water.

Yes, it was cold when this was shot as you can seen by the ice hanging under those boulders. This second image gives more detail of that interesting ice formation.

Still posting photos from on the river… :-)

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15 years ago

Love the coloration of the river!! Thank you so much for explaining why the colors are so love that info!

15 years ago
Reply to  Yvonne

Thanks. I like giving some background on the photos I post — sometimes it’s the history or details of/on the subject, other times it’s giving some insight into what made me want to take the photo. I’m glad you enjoy these bits of information. :-)

15 years ago

Still enjoying your river photos! :-)
I would have loved to live close-by one.

15 years ago
Reply to  Ove

Ove, thanks. I think this series of river photos has about run it course and I’ll need to move on to something else.

15 years ago

This looks like such a great area, it is no wonder you visit it so often.

15 years ago
Reply to  Mark

I always enjoy shooting here but I sometimes feel I’m over exposing my visitors to this blog to it. :-)

15 years ago

A fine shot of this interesting river with all the colors. I enjoyed the pictures and your explanation of the color effects in the river. Nice one.

15 years ago
Reply to  don

I’m glad you like the photo and the explanation. When I see something which catches my eye I tend to try and find the reason(s) it the way it is. I often wonder if my sharing these researched explanations are boring my visitors, so I’m always happy when someone comments they liked the information provided. :-)

Ray K
15 years ago

Clear clean water is nice to see this time of year, here it is all silt and run off and lots of it. Nice work Earl.

15 years ago
Reply to  Ray K

Ray, the water on this occasion was exceptionally clear. I would expect the river to normally be a brick red color — we’ve have sufficient rain recently perhaps to wash most of the loose debris away.

15 years ago

Beautiful photography including tints varies with the bottom of the River, good and beautiful framing, bravo!

15 years ago
Reply to  rolero54


15 years ago

amazing colors on the river, excellent image