Winters Foliage
Winter Foliage - Icy limbs along the river

We’re in the midst of a warming trend and should finally make it into the 50s (F) today for the first time in weeks — it may even be near 60°F by tomorrow. The 10 day forecast is for normal average temperatures in the days ahead.

This means the end of the “winter foliage” captured in the image above. It’s a welcomed change.

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15 years ago

Nice ‘leaves’, Earl. I’m glad that it is getting warmer. I’m tired of waiting for my car to warm up and defrost before going to work!

Ray K
15 years ago

Hope it warms soon it just feels wrong for it to be that cold that far south.
Great image to go with the thought Earl.

Steve Skinner
15 years ago

Earl, I have enjoyed the “ice series” because we don’t get a chance to see much of it here. Ah, but like a good meal, it too must end so enjoy the warmer temperatures.

15 years ago

beautiful, looks like a painting

Monte Stevens
15 years ago

I’ve enjoyed this series also. These images show the artist nature is.