A Place for Contemplation

A place for contemplation

“In order to improve the mind, we ought less to learn, than to contemplate.” – Rene Descartes

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Steve Skinner
15 years ago

Boy, what I wouldn’t give to spend and hour of two on that bench.

Markus Spring
15 years ago

Definitely a restful place, and the bench gives the eye a good point to settle and then wander again, much like the real bench would do for a wanderer.

15 years ago

Wow… a perfect place to reflect on life and enjoy nature’s beauty !
gorgeous image !

15 years ago

@Steve Skinner – I wish that particular bench was closer to my home. If it was it’d get regular use from me.

@Markus Spring – Thanks, That was what I was hoping to capture, glad you saw it that way.

@Sidney – Thanks. The view from the bench is looking out over the mountain ridges in the distance. Like I commented to Steve, wish it was closer to my home.

15 years ago

What a fine rustic setting for the bench and a place to sit and think. Nice autumn look to this picture. Who wouldn’t want to take a break there!

Monte Stevens
15 years ago

Ah, I see we both enjoy benches. About 3 years ago I posted an image each day of a bench for one full month, a neat project. I like this image as it really does get us a perspective of size. And, I agree with the quote as the quiet of listening has a way of nurturing and refreshing the soul.

Anita Jesse
15 years ago

What a wonderful photo. By showing me the bench and turning my imagination loose to “see” the view from there, you have made a beautiful and engaging image that holds me. By the time I “walk” to the bench and take a seat, I am firmly immersed in that fall scene.

I will have to check out Monte’s bench project. Another bench fan here.

15 years ago

@don – Thanks, I certainly would love to be able to sit there on occasion.

@Monte Stevens – Yea, I’ve always felt something special about empty benches. I’ll have to check out your bench photos.

@Anita Jesse – I knew you were a bench fan but I just learned that Monte was as well. Thanks for your wonderful comments.