Yesterdays’s post included photos of the backwaters of Fred’s Pond and I felt I should post photos of the actual pond.
It was raining most of the time but there was one period the rain stopped, the breeze died, and the pond’s surface took on a mirrors smoothness. It was during these moments I made these photos.
I’ve mention in previous post I am attracted to paths and/or trails and often find myself taking photos of them. I’m also attracted to empty benches–in a photo they call to me. I’m sure a psychologist could have a field day discussing my photos and any relationship to my psyche. :-)
These days I try not to over-analyze my reasons for taking photos, the meanings behind my likes and dislikes, the deeper meaning of my compositions, feelings of self-fulfillment through my photography, etc., etc., and etc.. In my early twenties I went through a self-discovery period of about five years reading and absorbing Hinduism, Zen-Buddism, Confucianism, Taoism, Eckankar, Gestalt, Freudism among others.
It was exhausting, theories and beliefs exist to support anything you want to believe, which in the end leaves more questions. Today I simply observe, listen, enjoy, learn and change when needed–note, enjoy and change are most important. :-)
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I’ve enjoyed reading through your last series of posts and viewing your photos. Very nice blog. I, too, find myself attracted to empty benches and trails, among of few other recurring themes. I’m not sure why, perhaps some day I will have a eureka moment–for the time being, I will just keep shooting them when they appeal.
Thanks for sharing!
@Mary Ann – Thanks Mary Ann and welcome to my blog–I hope you’ll return. I keep hoping for those eureka moments as well but they’re often few and far between. :-)
Fred’s Pond looks like a great place for a hike and with the bench it might be an even better place to enjoy lunch.
I thought everyone in the world loved photos featuring empty benches. You mean there are people who don’t fall under the spell? That mirror/pond supplies a beautiful reflection. What a peaceful plan to spend time. I love the way you achieved balance in this photo.
@Steve Skinner – It’s a good place for a short hike, the trails are not very long. I haven’t tied lunch here but I’m afraid it might be a fight between me and bugs for the food during the warmer months. ;-)
@Anita Jesse – Maybe not “everyone” loves empty benches…there’s some who simply have flaws in there mental makeup you know! Thank-you for your nice comment on the photo. :-)
This looks like an incredibly peaceful place. Great images Earl.
@Mark – Thanks. I’ve certainly have been enjoying your photos from your recent Alaska trip. I can imagine the adrenaline rush you must have been feeling when photographing those bears.