Wooden Bridge

This wooden bridge is just around the curve from the sidewalk photos I posted yesterday. The rain has heighten and enhanced hues and details normally not seen. On the far side of the bridge, to the left, lies the old Kerr Water Mill. I may post a photo of the mill tomorrow.

This particular scene called out to me. So I got down on one knee in the rain to get the shot from a lower perspective. Reflecting back, it was great fun playing in the rain.

Sometimes I push an image beyond photo boundaries in post processing. Once in a while these turn into “works-of-art” but there are many disasters (you’ll never see)–I love that you can have do-overs.

I do think I found a balance here–at least for me. :-)

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15 years ago

Looks good to me Earl.

I know the feeling though…that moment when you look back on an image after processing and wonder what kind of good drugs you must have been on. :-).

15 years ago

@Mark – Well, that makes me feel a little better. Even really good drugs couldn’t explain some of my misfires. ;-)

Anita Jesse
15 years ago

What makes me shudder is the thought of all those images I have yet to reopen only to wonder what on earth possessed me at the time I hit close and save. There is a very good reason why I rarely flatten files. I love that possibility of do-overs.

I like what you did here. The intense saturation brings back memories of rainy scenes with colors that popped and the world looked so clean after being fresh washed and not yet dry.

Monte Stevens
15 years ago

Great image and perspective. What was that song by Fred Astaire, “Dancing in the rain?” Did you have any trouble getting back up after kneeling down?

I too have really blown a few images, even using the histogram, and also blown a few in post processing. Do-overs can sure be fun, though.

15 years ago

Originally Posted By Anita Jesse…rainy scenes with colors that popped and the world looked so clean after being fresh washed and not yet dry.

Anita, what a wonderful mental image you painted.

15 years ago

@Monte Stevens – Thank you…and yes I’m still able to rise from bended knee. ;-)

15 years ago

I like the converging lines of the bridge rails. The rain gives the bridge such an appealing shine. Looks very good to me. And, yes, I like the wet-knee, low viewpoint!

Steve Skinner
15 years ago

I love the way the tree on the right leans into the image and forms an arch which is repeated by the bridge’s structure.