Under the bowls

Sometimes during the summer we’ll go for the day to an open air jazz and/or blues concert at one of the vineyards in the mountains of northern North Carolina or southern Virginia. During a recent visit there were food and craft booths at the concerts as well.

At one craft booth I spotted this guy sleeping comfortably under the display of hand-carved wooden bowls. While I found the bowls beautiful, but a little too expensive for my taste, it was this sleeping yellow dog that made the photo for me.

I was attracted first by the shapes hovering over him but then I noticed the wonderful hues and tones of the wood/paving stones, and how he seemed to just belong–like some type of chameleon, trying to blend in.

Note: Sorry about the corny title…I couldn’t help myself. ;-)

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15 years ago

At first, I thought that this was Foster enjoying a nice evening in the shade. This fellow is not doing a good job at being a chameleon, but he certainly is doing an expert job at sleeping!

Eric Jeschke
15 years ago


Anita Jesse
15 years ago

Well, you could have gone with “Let Sleeping Dogs Lie”. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

The colors in this do all work wonderfully well together. Two especially nice touches to the scene are the way the dog’s collar seems to resemble the texture of what appears to be pieces of tree trunk (?), then contrast of the green in the upper right. Finally, the rich warm tones set in the shade makes for a comfortably warm mood. Plenty of lovely details to keep me in the scene for a time;but let’s face it, the dog does it for me.