Soundly Sleeping Sea LionEarlier this year I took this photo of a Sea Lion sleeping soundly on rocks near the edge of the habitats water pool in the NC Zoo.

It seemed like a good photo to post on Friday afternoon when many are already thinking about the coming weekend.

I guess if animals have to be in captivity a nice natural environment for them to roam and live is good, but I prefer to see them free.

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Anita Jesse
15 years ago

The contrasts between the rough textured rock and silky smooth sea lion are wonderfully sensuous. That little touch of green embracing the subject is just right. I plan to remember this while crossing the desert.

15 years ago

Anita stole the words out of my head here Earl. Nicely seen. Love the reflection.

15 years ago

This one is really, really nice and calm. there seems to be only three colours in it, and the tonality and transitions in these are really smooth, partly thanks to the overcast. The reflection of is really adding most of the calm to the picture. It’s one of the best reflections I’ve seen. Yes, you have to exaggerate sometimes, and this is one of these occasions. I liked this one a lot! :-)