Paddle Boats on Lake

As I selected this photo I was thinking that over the last week I’ve posted photos perhaps reminiscent of Norman Rockwell type scenes of American everyday life:

  • Friends or family on paddle boats on the lake – this post;
  • A family on a carousel ride in a park – Weekend Photo;
  • A young child playing in a fountain – In the moment; and
  • A family relaxing along a lake shore – Play.

I could envision Norman Rockwell illustrations of similar scenes.

It’s easy in this hectic day to lose sight of this part of America life–although it’s getting harder to find.

Perhaps it’s a good reason, as Paul says, to “Stop and take a look.”

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Anita Jesse
15 years ago

I love Norman Rockwell moments. They are still happening and I believe that it matters to celebrate them. Thank you for including them among your photos. They make me smile and they make me feel hopeful.

Monte Stevens
15 years ago

Very good post processing on this image. I too, have always been a fan of his work, and yours.