ebm_usnc_200905_4764-Edit.jpgWhile there are signs that summer is drawing to a close and fall is waiting just around the corner, there’s still time for summer blooms.

There’s an abundance of insects for flower blooms this time of year. Perhaps for the insects it’s like a last minute rush to the store for supplies. I had to be fast to get this image without a bee in the frame.

I normally gravitate toward sharp focus and saturated colors but can find it peaceful and soothing to immerse myself in softer aspects.

I’ll need these few moments of peacefulness today–it’s bath time for our two dogs. ;-)

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Steve Skinner
15 years ago

Earl, The soft focus really conveys a feeling of peace and tranquility.

15 years ago

I like this, not only the softness but also the pale and not to warm colour scale. I hope you did well with the dogs, and not got too wet… :-)

Monte Stevens
15 years ago

Images do bring forth emotions within us. Both this image and your humor have done that this morning. Maybe the quiet will come after the paths. :-)

Anita Jesse
15 years ago

I like this treatment. The softness and the pastel colors seem appropriate for the fading of summer.

What a contrast between the peacefulness of the photos and wrestling two “caffeinated” dogs through a bath.