Post at the rows end

The posts at the end of these vineyards rows have been set into the ground at an angle, leaning outward, to help withstand the force and weight of the wire and vines pulling inward. This angle transfers some of the side force into downward force making a much stronger structure.

It’s a common practice to reinforce the ends or corners when building a fence or in this case a vineyard row. I wonder how we build that same level of strength in our dreams and visions–resisting periods of doubt and difficulties.

Perhaps it’s about having a strong foundation and leaning strongly forward into out beliefs and convictions.

Oh, a good glass of wine once in a while helps too! ;-)

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Monte Stevens
15 years ago

I did not know that and it sure makes sense to me, both the fences strength and our inner strength. Quiet and mediation are two of the leaning posts that come to mind for me. Great analogy.

Steve Skinner
15 years ago

I think strength has more to do with the quality of the anchor; with out an anchor, we and the fence would soon fall.

15 years ago

Those end posts have stand there for a while and will withstand many more years. Beautiful work, in my eyes, so are the picture and your analogy to life.

15 years ago

great mood

Anita Jesse
15 years ago

I really like the thought of “a strong foundation” and “leaning strongly forward into out beliefs”.

You certainly have mastered the technique for bringing words and images together to tell a story, or convey a message. It’s always a pleasure to visit.

15 years ago

@Everyone: Thank you all!