Grape Vineyard Silo

Silo is an interesting word I’ve associated various meanings at different times in my life. As a young boy working on my fathers farm it was something that you stored grain or silage in. Then, as a young man in the USAF, I added the definition of a structure providing shelter for theater or intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). Later, during a career in Information Technology, silo was a term used to describe separate business systems which seldom spoke to each other.

The above photo is a farm silo which is quickly being over-taken by vines. Its rundown state signifies a change which has been under way for a number of years in the U.S.–the disappearance of the small farm.   

Change is also evident In this instance by the grape vineyards surrounding the silo–vineyards and wineries have only become a common occurrence, at least in this area, in the last decade.

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15 years ago

I found it funny that when I saw the grain silo, I immediately thought of software silos. :-) My mind is gone! Great photo, though. Did you take this during your photo walk?

Monte Stevens
15 years ago

I really like your angle of view in this image, not everyone will think to look at the silo from this angle. I do get down sometimes when I think about those things in our past that go to the way side as we move on in technology. :-( Thanks for you kind words on my post. Not sure how to respond to comments on my posts so that you get it. Have a great evening and look forward to your post for tomorrow.

15 years ago

@Paul: I knew the software/system silo would ring a few bells with you. :-) Yes, this photo was made during the photo walk. Thanks!

15 years ago

@Monte: Glad you enjoyed this image. I don’t mind making the normal “snapshot” type of photo, as long as it’s a good snapshot, but I strive to view things differently or with a fresh viewpoint as well–sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

Having been raised on a small farm I feel sad that not even my children got to experience the “adventures” of my childhood–perhaps I’m a bit nostalgic. :-) I think that’s why I often feel drawn to views such as this.

Thank-you for your comments here. They are always welcomed and appreciated!

Steve Skinner
15 years ago

I really like how the silo stands strong against the grape vines. Great placement and angle!

15 years ago

@Steve: Thanks, I was going for a bit of the unusual–a silo in a vineyard is not something often found so I was wanting it to make a dramatic statement.

15 years ago

A fine image of this silo with the vines as a foreground object. I like the definitions of “silo” and had not heard of the last one. Nice post.

Anita Jesse
15 years ago

The point of view certainly makes this one extra-special. And the gorgeous sky is a big plus.

15 years ago

Great image Earl – quite symbolic as you already describe. It is kind of ironic that I am also replying via one of the biggest silo busters in histoy – the Internet .