Wooden Bench A project completed just in time for the 4th of July was the refinishing of the pictured bench. This bench belonged to my wife’s parents and became ours when her mother passed away in Florida almost two years ago.

This bench could hardly be recognized as the same bench now. Then, it was covered in totality by many layers of dull chocolate brown paint.

Being disassembled, the iron work was taken to a local radiator repair shop for a few days of soaking to strip the paint and the wood consumed hours of hand stripping and sanding before finally revealing its inner beauty. Once bare, there was the process of painting the iron work black and staining the wood to an Old Maple gloss finish.

My wife says her father, who traveled in his job, brought the bench home about twenty-five years ago. She doesn’t know where he got it but it wasn’t new even then. I suspect it’s a good bit older as the wood is old growth and high quality, not something seen in a bench in recent years and the metal is of rough solid cast iron.

Solid bronze bolts and screws replaced the painted steel ones to complete its reassembly–a nice addition to our front porch that will last well beyond us. Oh, and I can see in my wife’s eyes that the memories are still intact.

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Monte Stevens
15 years ago

Nice work. I envy those who take the time to work with there hands to create such beauty, and beauty that can be used.

15 years ago

I remember your Mom telling me that the bench came from her father’s house here in Florida, She said it belonged to his second wife. I belive she said her name was Aunt Bert. She was her mother’s sister! (your great aunt) Just thought you might want to know! Barb

15 years ago

A fine picture of this beautiful restoration of this bench to better than former condition!
You did a thoroughly job of bring it back to its early beauty. A fine family heirloom.

Steve Skinner
15 years ago

Old furniture is like people; over time they gather scars, experience, and character.

Bob Towery
15 years ago

What a great project and tribute. I love having things that were used by cherished loved ones. Not so much something sitting on a shelf, something they really used. Very nice work preserving family history.

15 years ago

beautiful work done, congrats
so far my only handwork was restoring the paint of our wooden fence, not such delicate job like yours, however i was kinda proud of it :)