I’m considering redoing my home office which currently resides in a perpetual state of mess. It seems to actively resist my attempts to simplify and organize it.
I’m a silent and amazed subscriber to “unclutterer,” a blog about getting and staying organized. The amazement comes from seeing how some are able to have such wonderfully simple, neat workspaces and the silence comes from a personal shame at how unsuccessful I’ve been in doing this for myself.
I’d be a perfect candidate if the folks at “unclutterer” wanted to do a renovation/organization home workspace project similar to shows done by HGTV and TLC. My home office would certainly provide them a chance to practice the principles they preach. Contact me! :-)
We did some upgrading to computers here this week. With Apple’s recent new model announcements and a small reduction in prices it seemed a fitting time–doing our part for economical recovery! Bonnie’s the proud owner of a MacBook Air and I upgraded to a MacBook Pro. I’ve gotten the MacBook Air completely configured and it’s been getting a real workout the last couple of evenings. It’s one sexy and functional laptop. Bonnie will use it both at home and on business trips. I’m still setting up my MacBook Pro. The MacBook I upgraded from has been passed on to my son where he’s making use of it in his return to school.
Did any of you hear that Michael Jackson died? If you haven’t, what rock are you hiding under and may I join you? How long will it be until Neverland Ranch is the new Graceland? If there’s money to be made it’ll happen!
For me personally the saddest thing about the whole Michael Jackson story is the terrible waste of musical talent. While he had some outstanding musical contributions during his early and mid years, the later years were a freak show, more sad and pitiful then anything else. Personally, I feel greater sympathy for Farrah Fawcett and Ed McMahon who also passed away recently.
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I agree 100% regarding MJ!
I’ve heard it said a cluttered room is indication of cluttered mind. In my life that seems to ring true. When I clean up life looks clearer to me. As, for the MJ thing, I feel the same as you. Way too much hype on him and not enough on the other two. Have a great weekend!
@Monte: That statement about a cluttered mind may indeed be true. Perhaps I need to widen the scope of my organizational efforts! You have a great weekend as well.
Clutter king here. Cluttered mind – not so sure – because I like to simplify things as much as possible. My office/studio is a wreck – and every so often it just implodes where I just can’t stand working in it anymore. I clean it up as much as possible, and try to make a commitment to keep it that way. It never seems to hold. So I really need to know the secret of maintaining the discipline! :-)
p.s. I have had my eye on that new Macbook Pro 13″. I think it may finally be the one I have been waiting for. Now just need to decide if I want the SSD or standard drive.
@Mark: That new 13″ Macbook Pro looks to be a great laptop–I was always disappointed when Apple first switched to Intel processors that they didn’t have a replacement for the 12″ Powerbook in the MacBook Pro line. Now they do!
I did considered the 13″ MacBook Pro seriously for this recent upgrade. It’s a great size and weight for overall convenient but I finally decided to go for the extra power and screen size of the 15″. I do find the 15″ to be a little bulky compared to the MacBook my son now has–but dang it’s fast! :-)
I have also heard that the uncluttered desk is a sign that no work is being done. Please, please let that be true. Add me to the clutter club. If I could only have a blog provided I had a camera in here, no one would ever know that I existed. I share an office with my husband and we are clutter freaks, I am embarrassed to admit. In other parts of the house I can maintain some order, but in here it seems hopeless.
I heartily agree re. the MJ thing. To the media, I say, “Enough already!”
@Anita: I’m starting to believe we “clutters” are the silent majority. The funny thing is on those occasions when I reach my shame point and clean up, I then can’t find anything–where it all seemed right at hand before. :-)
Sounds familiar. :)