We made it almost three weeks without Foster (that’s him in the photo) experiencing any additional seizures and then yesterday (June 13th) he had two within an hour and a half. One began when he was sleeping-in and the other while playing.
Previously I’d filled his prescription for Phenobarbital and after a second seizure in such a short time span we decided to begin him on it–two small tablets a day for the rest of his life.
Luckily he’s easy about swallow tablets, just stick your finger in the corner of his mouth, tilt his head back and then toss the tablet to the back and it’s gone–no fight no fuss. ;-)
I never thought I’d have a dog on a controlled substance but we’re into the second day and he’s tolerating it well. I hope it controls the seizures without causing other issues.
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Hey Earl,
Wishing you and Foster the best. Thank goodness he takes his medicine well. Hope it does the trick.
Foster is a great looking dog. I hope the new medication does solves the problem.
Best of luck to Foster. Give him an extra treat in my name!
@Eric Jeschke, @don, @Paul: Hey, thank you for all the well wishes about Foster!
I have been thinking about Foster and had hoped he wouldn’t need the medication, but it’s a blessing that he accepts it without fuss. I hope this solves the problem and he has a long and happy life ahead of him. He is a great looking guy. He looks powerful, yet kind and oh-so capable.
I hope Foster continues to do well Earl. It’s great that they actually have meds for this.
@Anita: That look may be a large part stubbornness. He’s got a mine of his own and can adopt the “what-ever” attitude with the best of them.
@Mark: As in most cases medication is a mixed blessing and often brings problems of it’s own. We’re still struggling with dosage and side effects (weakness of the hind quarters, etc.) I hope in a few weeks there we’ll find the balance.
Thank both of you for your kind thoughts.