Yesterday, June 10th, WordPress 2.8 was released. It includes a theme browser, redesigned widgets interface, improved speed and fixes for a reported 790 bugs. It can be downloaded here.

Personally I think I’ll wait a while for this update. The last one caused some Meandering Passage theme problems and I’m currently not in the mood to go through that again–perhaps in a couple of weeks. :-)

Update 6/12/09: The WP Theme I use has been certified for WP 2.8 so I went ahead and performed the update without incident. Thus far, everything seems to be working.

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15 years ago

Man. I’m so far behind that curve! I’m still somewhere back in 2.5.1, I think. :-)

15 years ago

I updated today, and it works as a charm. I sure hope so, anyway. :)