I finished my SoFoBoMo ’09 book a couple of days ago but was considering holding it for a while–I even blog about holding it yesterday. This thought was born from my own insecurities. Bonnie, my wife, got her first look at the book last night and she strongly encouraged me to release it. So I am…you can view it at issuu.

Creating this book was both fun and a learning process. It became more personal then I thought it would. Now that I’ve crossed the finish line I can say that I’m glad I signed up for this years project and at this point I have no regrets–I’m at peace.

The book process started on May 2nd 2009 and was completed today, May 21st, 2009. It includes 39 photographs counting the cover.

You may download or view a 3.3Mb PDF version at A Personal Recipe of Spirit if you prefer.

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Robert Longpre
15 years ago

Well done! It is a beautiful book.

Eric Jeschke
15 years ago

Looks great, Earl!

Are ou planning to print it via POD? What service(s) are you considering.

Man, I am so behind on SoFoBoMo this year. Last year I felt like I had more time. I gotta get moving on it


15 years ago

your book is fantastic, congratulations!
(i should finish and upload mine today of tomorrow)

15 years ago

@Eric: Thank-you. I hadn’t thought about POD but it’s something I might consider. Do you have any suggestions?

@yz: Thank-you. I will be watching for your book!

Peter Stamford
15 years ago

Thank you.

Marvelous book, will return many times.

Is there a typo on P24? Should along be alone? Just a thought, it’s possible I missed the whole point.



15 years ago

This is beautiful. Actually, just what I needed for a lift today. Thank you for going ahead and publishing.

15 years ago

Earl, I had another view trough your sofobomo book and sees that I had not commented on it earlier, so I looked up this, today rather old post to make one. :-)

I think the recipe idea of that book was a very good, you got to do something you cared about a lot. And it shows, both in writing and in the pictures. You were lucky with the weather, because sunshine wouldn’t have shed such a contemplative feel over the pictures such as the heavy, but beautiful clouds.

A wonderful book!