Blue Bells My wife, Bonnie, and I went to dinner Friday night and the topic of SoFoBoMo came up. Turns out she’s been reading and viewing many of the books from 2008.

I was impressed and excited with ideas she shared for photo books–really fresh and smart!

Our discussion continued through dinner and we concluded with some concepts for themes so involved I don’t think I could complete them in the 31 days allotted and others that should be very doable.

I told her I was appointing her as my official muse.

So, I find my concepts for SoFoBoMo ’09 completely expanded and changed. My mind is now racing over the how, what and when at a thousand miles-per-hour.

No doubt better now then a couple weeks into the project. ;-)

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15 years ago

A beautiful close up. The dark background gives them maximum punch! Very nice shot.

15 years ago

A fellow sofobomoer! Or becoming, at least in my case who didn’t participate last year and haven’t started yet. Will be interesting to see what concept you came up with, when your mind slowed down a bit. :)

15 years ago

Well it will be interesting to see what your new ‘muse’ comes up with. A nice, fresh perspective that we photographers hadn’t thought about. :-)