Rain Water Cascade

Rain Water Cascade

The location in this photo is of a small creek at the edge of a local park. This manmade rock dam/breakwater was created I believe to prevent erosion up-stream under a highway bridge.

Most often there’s not enough water flowing to present an opportunity for a good photo–abundant rain created this torrent.

I’ve been slack this week taking photos…the one above is from last week. Spotty weather, spring chores and pollen driven allergies have sadly won out. As a child and younger man I never experienced severe allergies but they’ve gotten worst as I’ve gotten older.

I’d planned to visit the Biltmore Estates at Asheville, NC, with my daughter this coming Saturday to photograph the “Festival of Flowers” but after a week which included a hard freeze, snowstorm and possible heavy rains we decided to push our visit out to the first part of May with hopes of having better flowers to photograph.

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15 years ago

I like this splashing water over the rocks. I can imagine how this doesn’t look as attractive during the low water times. Nice one.

15 years ago

Nice shot … for a slacker. ;-) Just kidding, of course. Lately, I’ve been kind of hit and miss with the photography, but I’m trying to get back on track. It must have been that big tax bill that I have to pay! My president wants an additional contribution from my. There goes my D700 and then some!

15 years ago

A wonderful composition. Beautifully observed. I could spend some time very happily here