Lighted Path

I think you can be too well informed on current events. Reading or watching the non-stop and mostly bad news being printed, posted or broadcasted is a guaranteed to put you into a funk.

This was true before the global economical crises and it’s truer now. People losing jobs, homes, livelihood, education opportunities, health and lives. Most of these events are beyond our individual grasp or control, making us feel helpless.

There there’s those who are in a position to make a difference and for the most part all we see is the same old tired political circus.

GOP, get over it! You lost, you had a good run but you lost the election and trying to represent your core minority is not serving the greater majority. Perhaps the results of your actions will become clearer to you when you come up for re-election. I voted GOP in previous presidential elections I’m a little ashamed of what happened these last eight years, you should be too.

Senate and House Democrats, yea, your in the drivers seat…but with that comes a great responsibility. Now your the countries “designated driver” during this period of crises and we’re counting on you to get us safely home. Remember, you were elected not crowned and will be judged for your actions and inactions. You have a new President in the White House who needs you behind him, not in front fighting for the spotlight (Nancy). Please remember to serve the people before you serve yourselves.

Often I hear the phrase of “turning things around” in regard to the economy. I don’t believe turning around is an option…we can’t go back to where we were. Fundamentally things have changed too drastically, the world is too connected and we can only plot a route to a better but different future.

But it’s not all bad. I do believe President Obama sees a new future as well, so amongst my funk is hope. What about you?

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