
My friend Paul has already posted of the snow at his home. He’s located about 40 miles to the southwest of me in Charlotte, NC, and I believe they received a bit more snow then we did.

Since Paul posted a photo of his dog, Hobbs, I’ll follow his lead. :-)

We added a new member to our family last year, Maggie (above). She was born in late March last year so this would be her first snow. She wasn’t sure she wanted to venture out into this white stuff and stood in the door a while making up her mind.


Foster has previous winter and snow experience so he took it all in stride…just down shifted from his already slow pace. :-)

These two make a dynamic duo and while they have contrasting personalities they are best friends and co-schemers.  We like their coloring being so similar.

Foster and Maggie

Of course they always find time for some rough housing. Foster has no choice but to always come at Maggie from down low while sometimes she’ll jump completely over him. ;-)

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16 years ago

Wow! It looks like you hardly got any snow at all. At least your doggies are having a great time!