Yadkin River Reflections

The second day of the new year and I have yet to take a single photo. I haven’t been totally lazy as I’ve worked on last years photos, set up and tuned Fedora Linux on a new Netbook computer and enjoyed my wife having a few days off.

Oh, I also spent yesterday afternoon taking down the outside Christmas decorations and putting them away in their appointed storage locations. That’s an annual job I despise but I’m so happy when it’s done! :-)

I’d like to point out a fine post by Paul Butzi of Musings on Photography titled “Don’t discount yourself.” My apologies to Paul if I don’t do his thoughts justice but to paraphrase, it concerns the concept of working on art and projects for their own sake and letting the pride and contentment of the process be the reward. A post and thought well worth some time to ponder.

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