Rivers Early Morning

It was a second attempt for Paul Lester and I to get together for a sunrise photo shoot at an old river dam near Cooleemee, NC. We’d tried to make it happen last weekend but heavy rain prevented it. No rain today but there was still be a price to pay.

This particular “swimming hole” spot, “The Bull Hole,” is one I’ve shot at and posted photos of before. It provides some interesting waterfall and river photo opportunities and I’d told Paul I’d be glad to take him there the first time.

We reached the river a little before 7:00 AM with just enough twilight to find our way around. For the general area the temperature was 29 degrees F, but seemed to be several degrees lower on the river. After shooting a while, handling metal tripods and cameras, our fingers were so cold they lost all feeling.

Near the end of our shooting the only way I could tell I was pressing the shutter release button was when I heard the click. I couldn’t feel or sense the pressure of the button.

Waterfalls First Sun

There was a difference of opinion on who “whimped-out” first due to the cold, so I’ll simply state that when the subject arose of leaving for a hot breakfast we both quickly and mutually agreed.

However, there was that one time I thought I heard some whimpering coming from the general direction Paul was taking photos, but my hearing is not as good as it use to be…so I could of been hearing myself. ;-)

It’s been a real bonus meeting Paul through blogging and getting to know him. This morning he got to meet my wife and we spent a couple of enjoyable hours in conversation. It was a good time. Thanks Paul!

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16 years ago

LOL! Poor guy! His hearing must be going bad! :-) That’s funny, I thought that the whimpering was coming from your direction. Perhaps it was just the sound of the waterfall!

I enjoyed myself immensely and am going to visit that place again. I’d love to visit it when there is some ice forming in various places, but I’ll be better prepared next time. I’m going to have to get me some of those chemical hand warmers, some insulated hiking boots like you had, and some better insulated pants. I’ll have to follow the Boy Scouts motto: “Be prepared”.

It was a great time!