Bright Bloom

On your first visit to photograph a location do you have a favorite lens? I personally like a good general purpose zoom lens mounted for first visits. For instance, on my Nikon D300 you’d normally find Nikon’s 18-200mm DX VR lens and on my Nikon D700 you’d find Tamron’s 28-300mm DC VC lens (currently in the shop for warranty repair.) :-(

I’ll bring other lens I can switch off to if there’s a specific need and on follow-up visits I often focus on shooting with a specific lens, for instance a wide-angle or macro lens.

Also, if I’m shooting on the move or believe I may not have opportunity or time to switch lens I’ll start with the general purpose zoom lens mounted because it gives the best chance to get the shot no matter what is encountered.

Now maybe my preferences aren’t the best overall choice, but it’s where my comfort zone is at the moment. ;-)

I’d be interested to hear how others approach this.

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16 years ago

By far, my 18-70mm DX lens. Equivalent to 27 – 105. Just wide enough for wide angle and great for the occasional zoom that I need.