Apple’s iPhone and iPod Touch make taking helpful computer applications into the field a reality.
For photographers there’s a number of utilities including a bevy of DOF calculators, an exposure calculator, references and geo-positioning aids.
I’ve compiled a brief list below of some of the applications you can fine on Apple’s App Store. In addition, there are many applications allowing you to store, view, edit and transfer photos that I’ve not listed.
New applications are being added to the App Store daily and you can fine screen shots and more information there.
(Arranged by Category & User Ratings)
PhotoBuddy – $1.99 (4 1/2 stars) – PhotoBuddy is your personal assistant in photographic matters. It provides convenient ways to help professionals and amateurs calculate some of the most needed camera settings.
PhotoCalc – $2.99 (4 stars) – PhotoCalc is a utility for iPhone and iPod for photographers to calculate exposure reciprocation, depth of field and flash exposure.
VisualDof Calculator – $0.99 (4 stars) – VisualDof calculates and visually displays depth-of-field distance for photographers.
f/8 – $3.99 (3 1/2 stars) – f/8 is a depth-of-field (DOF) calculator.
DoF Calculator – $1.99 (3 1/2 stars) – DoF Calculator allows you to calculate the depth of field of your pictures.
DoF – $0.99 (2 1/2 stars) – DoF is a small utility for Photographer or Videographer for calculating the depth of field.
myPhotoDOF – $1.99 (not rated) – myPhotoDOF is a DOF calculator that represents calculations and distance visually.
iKspozher – $1.99 (4 stars) – iKspozher is an exposure computing tool for nature Photographers. iKspozher calculates optimal exposure settings (with respect to incident light) for a given scene for a varying choice of aperture, shutter speed and ISO speed.
Lens Gallery – $9.99 (not rated) – Lens Gallery makes it easier to find information on hundreds of lens for five major brands, Canon, Nikon, Tamron, SIGMA and Sony.
GeoPositioning (iPhone Only):
iMarkMySpot – $0.99 (3 1/2 stars) – iMarkMySpot GPS is a fun and simple application for your iPhone which can be used to tag your digital photos with their exact GPS location.
Photo Radar – $1.99 (2 1/2 stars) – Photo Radar is for those who are continually finding interesting locations to shoot while they’re out and about – but never when they have their camera gear handy. Photo Radar can tag and mark the spot on a map and save a quick preview shot for later.
Gelogger – $3.99 (not rated) – Gelogger allows you to log your position during photo shootings or during a journey. All logged positions are stored in a database on the device and can be downloaded as a GPX file via a web interface.
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