
Yesterday morning, I voted early. There was a line of early voters when I arrived but the process was well organized and moved quickly. Total time from arrival to departure was about 25 minutes.

Its being reported that there are record numbers of early voters this election. I wonder if on election day, November 4th, there will be the large turnout they’ve predicted or will it be light with the repeated forecasts having inspired a lot of people, myself included, to vote early.

While waiting in line passing the time, I played a mental game of guessing which presidential candidate I thought each person would be voting for, just from viewing them in line and in some cases things they were discussing with others. No doubt in my little “profiling exercise” I was wrong a great percentage of the time, just as someone guessing my vote from my physical appearance would probably be.

It’s important to be sure and vote this election!

The photo, “Beyond the Wall,” was taken from the Blue Ridge Parkway in NC just as the leaves began to change to their autumn colors.

Photo: Nikon D700 ISO400 42mm f/22 1/125sec

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