This is the first U.S. Presidential Election where I’m voting with the mind set of voting against candidates rather then for candidates.

Perhaps in this Internet age we know too much about the candidate so none seem worthy of trust. Or perhaps it’s just the nature of the game that getting to the final election you have to be as much a politician as all the rest.

All I know is, I don’t expect any candidate to make much difference or to drive any measurable positive change. I don’t trust a single one not to be influenced by power brokers and lobbyist of Washington.

So I’m voting against what I conceive to be the “worst choice,” since there isn’t a clear “good choice.”

I even registered unaffiliated this year because I didn’t like being associated with either party. It’s no doubt more about me then it is the candidates.

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Richard Querin
16 years ago

Hi Earl,

It’s been said many times that Canadians don’t vote in a new government, we vote out the old one. ;)

While you’re probably right about neither candidate making much of a difference, I have to say that the Dems seem to have a lock on actually sounding like they know what they’re going to do. I was amazed at the lack of inspiration and the huge amount of negativity and sarcasm in the Palin speech last night. Unless McCain suprises me, I’m assuming the object will be to frighten American voters into supporting him.

I don’t think the shock-jock tactics of Palin last night did anything to woo the undecided last night. It simply riled up those already in her camp (maybe trying to minimize the loss of voters actually).

As a Canadian, I feel a little uncomfortable weighing in on this, but it affects everyone I think, especially your little neighbours to the north. ;)

16 years ago

Hi Richard,

I appreciate your insight.

I think we Americans tend to view ourselves as if in some isolated environment, forgetting the world around us. In the past we could get away with this, but the new reality is a global community. I feel the current President and Government has done more harm to America’s image and status in the world then perhaps any time in history. Our next administration needs to set a different tone.

Palin did a nice delivery but I agree about the contents of her speech. More of the same divisive scare tactics that the Republican Party has used for years. Sad, but it’s worked in the past and may work again. :-(

I guess I’m looking for that perfect party/candidate where taxes are kept low, government is kept small, security is tight, military force is used only as a last resort, global neighbors are important, personal freedoms and rights are guaranteed and “ALL” religions (not just right wing Christianity) are respected but separate from government.

Humm…sounds like the founding principles of this country. ;-)

Richard Querin
16 years ago

I think we are much more socialist-like up here (which I don’t think is a dirty word btw). And while for me it’s not necessarily about “small” government, it’s about “efficient” government. I’m sure that we could provide the same services we provide right now and spend 40% less if we really put our minds to it. I don’t want to cut services up here, just the colossal amount of waste that happens due to the ways we implement it.

The separation of church and state is a HUGE thing in my mind. Especially for countries like ours which were built by immigrants from various locations and cultures. There are so many people down there and up here who completely forget that.