First, let me say that I enjoy reading and watching Science Fiction. I’ve been a fan since I was a young lad reading Robert A. Heinlein and H.G. Wells, so it stands to reason that I’ll often flip to the Sci-Fi Channel when watching TV to see what’s on.
The Sci-Fi Channel is a real mixed grab bag of shows and movies. There are some wonderful, highly acclaimed shows such as Battlestar Glactica, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis and Eureka. Then there are some real stinkers. I’m writing about one of those stinkers.
The show Ghost Hunters is in their own words a one-hour weekly docu-soap that follows a group of real-life paranormal researchers as then investigate hauntings throughout the country. The two main guys are plumbers by trade who head up The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS).
The show consist of TAPS being invited to some place that has a history of strange or spooky occurrences. Their investigation always follows the following form.
TAPS arrives on site and receives a brief history and tour of the “haunted location.” They then set up a large amount of video, audio, heat sensors, EMF sensors, thermal sensors and various special cameras which makes it seem like there’s a real science to ghost hunting. They proceed to spend at least part of one night on location with all the lights turned off walking around listening and calling upon the spirits to make themselves know. After a number of hours, most often it only seems like a few, they decide they’re finished. All the equipment is packed up and they take any recorded video and audio to be listen to and viewed later. After the audio/video review a final briefing is held with whoever invited them to the location.
In this final briefing there is usually little evidence of spiritual activity and I may know why besides the normal reasons.
Hello, doesn’t it make sense that you’d have to spend more then part of one night at these locations to complete a respectable investigation? FInding ghost has got to be like trying to watch Panda’s mate…you’ve got to be patient. :-)
Perhaps TAPS is the the fast food chain of ghost hunters? This show is so bad it’s funny.
In “honor” I’ve created my own little comic parody that I call Ghost Plumbers. You’d probably need to have seen this show to really connect with this comic (click on comic for larger version). ;-)
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That’s a pretty funny comic that you’ve got there, Earl. That sounds like a show that I’d like to miss. :-) Although I liked the movie, this kind of reminds me of 1408. If you’ve not seen it, you should watch it!
Love the comic Earl. I don’t have SciFi channel (and I’m not all that into SciFi to be honest) but I’ve seen low calibre shows like this on Discovery too sometimes. You have to wonder how they convinced the producers to pay for it. If it does come in on the stations I have, I think I’ll steer clear. :)
Oh btw Earl, what did you use to do the comic? I’d be interested to know, it’s quite well done.
@Richard: Thanks!
I used a program called Comic Life by Plasq ( It’s a nifty program and is all drag and drop with predefined layouts and as you can see, even with very little talent a decent comic can be created. :-)
I believe there’s Mac and Windows versions…sorry no Linux. It’s under $30 and they have 30-day trials for download. It’s a fun little program.
Good one, Earl! Enjoyed it!
@Camilla: Thanks, I had fun doing the comic!
Btw… maybe you should do alittle investigating on your own before you rip a show. The taps team actually does spend multiple days on site and investigating. Each episode is only 45 min without commercials so obviously they cant show everything. There investigations run about 6 hours give or take. There is weeks of prepping and talking with the owners and hours worth of footage to go over. .. They are very patient. They spend hours in silence just waiting for things to happen. you only see question after question on tv with everything spliced together to fit the shows time frame. Maybe next time you write, do alittle back up before hand on your words.
@Brad: All you say may indeed be true but I don’t have to do an investigation to know that the “show” is so bad it’s laughable!
If TAPS spends 6 minutes, 6 hours or 6 weeks on each investigation it would be all the same. What I and anyone else sees is a poorly done unprofessional TV show that shows nothing and by the end of each episode proves nothing.
Yes that’s my opinion, but then I’m entitled to my opinion just as you are entitled to yours. So no further research is required, just good taste.
ok, your opinion is fine and “laughable” is of course a matter of taste, but you still talk without backed up info. The get evidence almost every episode. What you are looking for is the hollywood version of ghost hunters, and no you wont find that in the show. The show isnt about giving you the end all evidence that proves the paranormal for everyone, the show is meant to give you pieces of the puzzle. They are about having fun and joking around, while bringing you some insight into what may be. They are professionals, I have met every one of them, and they know what they are doing. They are doing a great service to the field and giving the perspective that others don’t believe.
@Brad: Like I said you’re entitled to your opinion…but my opinion about their show is just as valid and that’s what they are presenting to the public. The show is really poorly done and every show is almost the same.
Professionals… Are they approved as paranormal investigators by some recognized governing body? Do they have degrees in paranormal activities? Is their main “full-time” occupation paranormal investigation?
A lot of people are good bowlers, bowl every week and belong to leagues but that doesn’t make them professional bowlers.
Perhaps professional plumbers? Don’t you see the humor in this…I did so I did the comic.
I do appreciate your feedback and comments.
When I said professionals, I meant it in the sense that they are professional in the way they handle everything they do. No, there is no paranormal professionals, and everyone in the field agrees with that. There are some degrees in the psychological aspect of the field, but for investigating, no there isnt. They are plumers, but their full time job is investigating. They are working constantly for the show and doing investigations, but as for the cases they do, they do not take any money from home owners or historical places. Sci-fi pays them for the show.
The fact that they mix their two jobs is an everyday occurrence. As for myself, I have a day job but after work, I am a musician, tech worker for companies, and a radio show host. I know others that are carpet cleaners by day and chocolatiers as well. haha There’s nothing wrong with being a plumber/ investigator.
They are furthering the field and making it possible that some day there will be degrees in the subject manner. People do like to talk bad about the field, saying its not professional and just a hobby, but to some its as real as life itself.
I do find humor in the show, as the production company who makes the show does make it repetitive and staged, but all the evidence and job they are doing is real. Its just a matter of the production companies outlook. Whether you like it or not, Ghost Hunters gets some of the highest ratings on a wednesday night and has been running for many seasons and many more to come. The fact is, they have been investigating without the show for 16 years, and will be doing so long after the show is gone. Thats just who they are.
I’m just creating a healthy debate, no argument here. Just want to give them a chance.
@Brad: Heck, I believe in paranormal activity and I have no problem with what they do for a living except from a slightly wacky humorous point of view. My main take was with the show itself.
When I first watched it, friends and I were laughing at parts where I don’t believe they were trying to be funny, coming up with stupid lines that seemed to fit a little too well. The next day I decided to do this parody with the comic.
I recently tuned in for another episode and the comic still applies. It’s not exactly Discovery Channel or National Geographic. I’ll give you that it probably doesn’t give the actual investigative work fair credit. Perhaps that’s something they should be concerned about.
If it’s popular and many people enjoy it, that great. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve disagreed with the majority. But lots of people also watch “Big Brother,” “Dancing with the Stars,” “The Bachelor” and “The Next Top Model” so I wouldn’t use popularity as any standard of quality. ;-)
I enjoy healthy debate, as you can probably tell.
Best Regards
Ghost hunters can be boring at times, but it’s because they are looking for real evidence. They just dont make up their own for the sake of ratings.
Have you ever seen the other ghost show’s on TV? They are very very different from Ghost Hunters. You may actually like that show better becasue of the fairies, and spirits entering bodies.. that’s entertainment, huh. You like those fags dont you? The T.A.P.S team try to prove that places are not haunted. They try to find evidence that proves this. One, so they can put homeowners at east, and two, so they can stop false claims made by people trying to make money on their claims. And sometimes they come across things that they cant explain which makes the show more interesting. All the other ghost show’s I’ve seen on tv claim everywhere/everything and everyone is haunted. With their rediculous people/psysics it’s all just for entertainment.. AND bad entertainment at that.. I think if you want to see a show “so bad it’s funny” then tune into any other ghost show there is. They are way more funny then ghost hunters.
Also Earl,(Is that your name, that’s funnier then Ghost hunters)- Earl, you sound like you have a stick up your ass. Why dont you stop complaining. I’m sure it makes you a blast to hang out with! (sarcasm)
Maybe you are just jealous that they are making a ton of money for doing something fun and simple. All anger comes from somewhere… Where does your’s come from? Maybe it’s because you think you could do a better job then them, the professionals, and the Sci-Fi channel. I think you should get real, get a life, or maye just a better more positive outlook on life. Who really cares about a stupid show anyway, except for you.
@Elizabeth: Oh, I see…so you’re entitled to express your opinions but I’m not allowed to express mine and when intellect fails you, which took about one sentence, you have to resort to name calling, personal attacks and sarcasm.
About the sarcasm, sarcasm is a direct expression of anger so where’s yours coming from?
If you’re a fan I respect that. I also respect the fact, proven by your second comment, that you’re an expert about sticks…
this is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny my favorite part is the very end.
cool comic!!!
I Feel Different But Maybe It’s Hard To Distinguish The Pics.