I arose early this morning and decided to do some “link hopping.” Link hopping is when you go to someone’s web site/blog and click on their weblog links and then from that site you click on one of their weblog links, hopping from site to site.

I enjoy this random method of finding new and interesting people and on many occasions have discovered some great reads.

While link hopping this morning I came to a conclusion about one thing.

I HATE the “Snap Shots” windows (snap.com) on web sites! These little floating pop-up windows that activate whenever you mouse over a link, photo, etc are distracting, ruin the feel, cheapen the first impression and are totally annoying for visitors! Much like sitting down for a picnic in the park and then there’s this “bee” that keeps buzzing around your head.

Want me to quickly hit the browser back button and or close the window on your site, then use “Snap Shots” and I’m gone!

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Monte Stevens
15 years ago

I’m not link hopping but looking back over some of your archives to see what nuggets you may to offer me and got a kick out of this post. I can relate. When I first opened my wordpress blog the snaps thingy was on and I had a friend tell me how frustrating it was for him. Your post gave me a good laugh.