It appears that Microsoft has an upcoming $300 million ad campaign that is geared towards convincing those misinformed that Vista is better then being told. A hurdle to overcome will be that not all who have a voice are so misinformed:

Microsoft’s biggest challenge is not in convincing us how misinformed we are about Vista in spite of what they might think. No, their biggest challenge is going to be convincing those of us who actually use Vista, especially on mobile computers like laptops and Tablet PCs, that it’s not that bad.

Word of mouth tends to be stronger then PR campaigns and the word on the street, right or wrong, is that Vista has some serious flaws. This is not to say that Microsoft hasn’t improved Vista or that it’s a terrible OS, it’s not.

IMHO a better use for Microsoft of this $300 million would be to invest in the development of the next version OS to insure that it knocks it out of the park.

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