200806271308.jpg For subscribing and reading blogs and news site feeds I use a software application, NetNewsWire, for Mac OS X. At least once a year I’ll go through my subscriptions and clean out ones I’m either no longer interested in or those no longer being updated.

Today I performed a brutal cleaning of my subscriptions, eliminating over half (140+), many were blogs/writers that focus on Web 2.0, Social Sites and Social Media. Those cuts included big names in blogging and many that I’ve been subscribed to for a while.

With this culling, I’ve embraced my anti-social, introvert side. I’ve grown tire of reading, or marking as read, the same old dribble over and over again about the latest social Internet craze. I can honestly say that in the last year I’ve not found these sites to be value added for me. So why waste my time each day scanning them?

Perhaps tomorrow I’ll make a second culling to get rid of those feed subscriptions that I was on the fence about today. ;-)

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16 years ago

Uh, oh! I hope that I made the cut! :-) My number of blogs in my reader is down to 18, a very manageable level. One of one of the 18. :-)