I’m going to take a break for a moment from writing about computers, photography or the Internet…

Yesterday, I borrowed a neighbors trailer and drove to my childhood home to get a couple of pieces of furniture that my mother left me. It’s the first time I’ve had the compulsion to retrieve it since her death on April 4th, this year. My father passed away in 1989.


It was very strange going back into the house that I grew up in. I can’t even begin to tell you how many memories there are in that house.

I can remember running and playing and most of all I can remember the love of my mother and father that filled our home and always made us children feel safe. We may not have had many things but we were rich in other ways.

It saddens me and brings tears to think of my parents passing and that home now empty. But it’s a good sadness, for if there hadn’t been so much love and joy there’d be nothing missed.

I put one of the “homeplace” furniture pieces in my home office. I’m going to like having them here. It helps me feel connected.

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