Apple released OS X 10.5.3 yesterday. I downloaded and installed it today without noted problems. It was certainly a sizable OS X update release, running about 480 MB on my machines.

Now there may be “new-to-mac” users out there wondering what these OS X update releases are and if they’re absolutely necessary.

As a Mac user there’s a secret I can let you in on. Apple’s OS X is NOT PERFECT! Hard to believe I know, what with Apples Mac & PC commercials running everywhere these days. OS X has bugs, it’s not alway compatible with devices, drivers and other applications and in some cases it even has security gaps. Oh MY!

So it’s important to keep your OS updated. That doesn’t mean you have to be on what we call “the point of the spear” and install every update on the day it’s released. There’s nothing wrong with being a little cautious and waiting for a few days or weeks for the update to prove stable.

Unless you’re highly technical or have a backup computer you don’t want to be the one to find a major bug in the update that slipped through the quality control process.

Now Apple says that the OS X 10.5.3 update “includes general operating system improvements that enhance the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac.” Four hundred and eighty MBs seems like a lot of improvements. The update not only address general issues with the OS and Finder but also fixes for the Address Book, Airport, Automator, iCal, iChat, Mail, Parental Controls, Spaces, Time Machine, VoiceOver and a good number of security fixes.

I didn’t notice any major new features added with this update but there may be something I missed.

While it’s true that Apples OS X is not perfect, it is from my experience the best OS at the moment. So these updates often fix the little “warts” and make it better.

Update: For those wishing to follow others OS X 10.5.3 upgrade experiences check here.

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