Prior to the May 6th Democratic Primary’s in North Carolina and Indiana there was a feeling that Hillary Clinton (HRC) was justified in continuing to run even if the odds were against her winning the nomination. Some even admired her determination.
Since those primaries opinions have swiftly shifted and Hillary’s persistent is being viewed as selfish and exhibiting a total lack of concern for the Democratic party or even a democratic process.
Those opinions are being express swiftly and strongly in blogs across the blogosphere:
It’s been crystal clear for weeks, yet she refuses to put party and country over personal ambition and drop out of the race, forcing Barack Obama to not only run against McCain and the Media, but also against her. It’s particularly galling, because she can only win if her campaign can force Democratic superdelegates (one of the worst creations in the history of politics) to tell millions of Democratic voters — many of them first time voters who, like me, finally feel truly inspired by someone — to go fuck themselves. – WWdN: In Exile
I can’t think of a Democratic candidate for president who has fallen so far in my esteem during the course of a campaign. Last fall, I was close to supporting Clinton because of her vast public policy knowledge and her tenacity. I knew she’d fight hard for the Democratic agenda and would be a far more formidable foe for the Republicans than they realized. Obama, though inspirational, seemed like a babe in the woods. I wanted to see the inauguration of the first female president 78 years after suffrage.
But she’s run a terrible, cynical and divisive race for president. – Workbench, Rogers Cadenhead
I think this week is the one where the thing many of us feel becomes impossible to miss: HRC would rather be the nominee and lose in November than see her party win. Iâve felt this all along which is why Iâve never had a glimmer of support for her. No one should buy that she cares about the good of the masses when she obviously does not care about the good of even her political allies. If she persists on this this course from here forward, I want to see her lose her senate seat, and there be no chance whatsoever of another presidential run. She and Joe Lieberman can go form the âItâs All About Meâ party and have a good olâ time there. For the people whose primary concern is staunching the bleeding of liberty from our government and Constitution, there are more important things than individual quests for power. – Evil Genius Chronicles
I can’t imagine that anyone who’s read about or watched Hillary and Bill’s political careers should be surprised by her recent actions. She’s bright with a seemly low or non-existent shame factor when it comes to promoting her or Bills political careers and legacies.
Truth is a tool to be used as it best suits her purpose and revisions of facts are common. I also believe that she believes she’s been preordained to be President.
Thus it’s not complicated to understand, HRC’s continuing to be true to her nature and only the circumstances have changed which now make her true intentions so readily apparent.
I would suggest Hilary take a few moments to quietly listen to the music playing in the background….
You got to know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em
Know when to walk away and know when to run….
(The Gambler – Kenny Rogers, Don Schlitz)
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