Let’s say you’re a blogger and that you knew this was the last post or comment you would ever write, what would it be about?

Would you take those last precious published words to scream out the injustice of the lost opportunity of being heard, would you wish a virtual fair-well to all those who’ve followed and read you or would your last written thoughts be on what’s important to you, the people, art, inspiration and poetry of your life?

Would the post be long, consisting of thousands of words based on hope that by never ending you’ll be allowed to continue or would it be a few simple words leaving people wondering at the meaning and wishing for more?

Would this last post be about others, be about others and yourself, or focus strictly on yourself?

Is there photos, images or clipart to go with your last written thoughts?

Would you allow comments that you could never respond to or would you prefer to have the very last word?

If you could choose any font or style would you want to make it different from all the post that proceed it? All CAPS or lowercase?

When people read this last post how would you want them to feel, happy, shocked, sad, amazed or what?

Yes, it’s a real exercise in thought!

Perhaps for my last post I would simply close with:

I didn’t lose my mind it was

Mine to give away

Couldn’t stay to watch me cry

You didn’t have the time

So I softly slip away…

As far as I know this isn’t my last post so I’ll slip away with the question remaining open.

What would your last post be?

*Lyrics by Robbie Williams – No Regrets

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16 years ago

Interesting post, Earl. I honestly don’t know what I would say. I think that it would be the length of my typical post probably explaining the good time that I had and a hearty thank you for all those who have read my blog.

Naturally, I’d include my reason for my decision and would leave comments open and reply to them as well. After a period of about 1 month, I’d remove the blog, I would guess.

16 years ago

The road stops so what do ya do. The sun isnt coming up today it has other things to do. Sitting in the dark wondering if the lights will ever come back on. Does it matter, does anyone notice the silent thoughts running through the wind. Its so far down from up there, dont slip there is no return not a second chance. Is it brown, blue or black, it dosnt matter no ones looking , no one will notice. I can’t see out the window the glass is covered . There is no reflection in the mirror I really dont want to see it anyway. Cares, dont care, see, dont see, hear dont hear…

no one will even notice

leave the lights off , I dont want to see.