I’m hoping to start posting regularly to Meandering Passage again.

The last several weeks have taken their toll both mentally and emotionally and while I’m sad about the results I’m glad it’s over.

The last two days I’ve done a good deal of work in the yard. It’s been a matter of keeping busy so I don’t have time to contemplate.

200804120948.jpg Today I purchased a John Deere Aerator-Spreader. I chose to assemble the unit myself and after making a special trip to retrieve two bolts that were originally left out of my package I successfully got it together. It’s a nice heavy duty unit that tows behind a lawn tractor and allows you to aerate your lawn while spreading seed or fertilizer at the same time. It also has a weight tray allowing you to add extra weight to make the spikes dig in.

It works well.

While riding the lawn mower, using the new aerator-spreader, I was thinking I haven’t taken a single photo in about four weeks and I’m really missing it.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll find some quiet time to reintroduce myself to my Nikon D200.

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