Spring Blooms-2.jpg Each year, usually sometime in March, there’s a series of tasks around my home that for me mentally marks the arrival of spring. It’s become so ingrained that it’s unclear if spring announces the commencement of these tasks or if perhaps these tasks, like a ritual ceremony, calls forth spring.

These tasks consist of spreading grass seed on bare spots in the lawn, feeding the lawn with a weed-and-feed fertilizer, trimming the scrubs around the house, raking the scrub clippings or any late fallen leaves that may have collected in various corners, weeding the flower/scrub beds, covering the flower/scrub beds with a layer of pine needles, and adding new stone or mulch to a few select flower beds. I also usually spread a natural insecticide over my fenced in back yard to help protect our dog from ticks and fleas.

I try to pick good weather and often find myself thinking how great it feels to be able to be physically active outdoors again after winter.

Today was the ceremonial day. I completed most of the work and hope to have it all finished by the end of this weekend. My springs here!

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